Pop-up summer camp with Chol Theatre and The Children's Art School

An amazing, creative summer – engaging with over 1000 children and their families!

We have had an amazing creative summer engaging with over 1000 children and their families all over Kirklees thanks to National Lottery Community fund, Kirklees Council, Arts Council England, Kirklees Libraries and Sangam Festival.

Our Maker World offer at Piazza Centre, Huddersfield offered 15 days of free hands on creativity for children and families. The response from the participants was wonderful. Families came together to imagine, make and connect with each other- resulting in a vibrant creative hub using story-telling, imagination, creativity and play to create friendships, build a positive sense of place and promote tolerance between the different communities of this multi cultural town. We particularly loved being able to spill outside onto the grass to build dens and offer djembe drum workshops, creating a festival vibe right in the heart of Huddersfield town centre.

Working with Chol Theatre we also developed our outreach offer, popping up in parks and libraries around Kirklees to bring a bit of imaginative and playful joy to local children through making and drama. These pop-up summer camps saw children from diverse communities enjoying stories, games, imaginative play and making. It was a real joy to be able to work with Chol Theatre from their new Cholovan and to share our love of creative and imaginative play with children who might not otherwise access our offers.

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