
…so far at Byram Arcade…

Only 6 weeks in to our residency and we are loving working with Huddersfield children in our studio at Byram Arcade.

So far we have created a cardboard town…

…with roads and buses….

….created wonderful paintings of the Huddersfield town centre exploring architectural  shapes and colours….

…. made charcoal drawings of the cardboard town created in the studio, exploring form and perspective…

…. made artwork about Huddersfield’s parks  using printing, painting and collage

….created bird masks of birds you might see in Huddersfield like jackdaws and waxwings  (famously spotted near Tescos!)

…..and made wearable tractors to mow the parks lawns!

THEN we all got excited about the dragon who once lived at Castle Hill…


Intermediates and Seniors started a BIG drawing of castle hill..

and everyone enjoyed exploring paint to create dragon skin

and making dragons out of clay…

we’ll be making wearable dragon masks and wings in the coming weeks and adding buildings, dragons and other creatures to the big drawing…. watch this space… or come and join in!

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